Women’s Health Articles
your body | your health | your life

Mind over Media: Social Media’s Effect on Mental Health
While social media can be great, it can also come with some negatives if you overuse or misuse it.

From Herbs to Lifestyle: 7 Natural Ways to Treat Migraines
Lifestyle modifications and natural therapies are effective non-pharmacological approaches for managing migraines. While these therapies alone may not provide sufficient relief for migraines, it can help reduce symptoms and the need for medication.

From Restless to Restful: Exploring the Causes and Treatment of Insomnia
Most people have occasional sleepless nights. However, if you have chronic insomnia, you should be aware of certain health risks.

Maximizing Comfort: 6 Tips for Reducing Pain with Mammograms
Finding ways to reduce the pain and discomfort surrounding mammograms can go a long way to make the scheduling of this exam, …not so painful.

Exploring the Needle’s Touch: Acupuncture for Pain Relief
Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine where needles as thin as hair are inserted into the body superficially to decrease pain or symptoms.

Empowered Choices: 8 Vital Steps to Minimize Breast Cancer Risk
Some breast cancer risk factors (like being female and getting older) are outside your control. Other risk factors, called modifiable risk factors, are things we can control that influence our risk of developing breast cancer.

Weed Woes: Exploring Cannabis-Induced Sickness
While cannabis can help treat some types of nausea and vomiting, it can paradoxically cause nausea and vomiting if you use it daily for years and in large amounts.

Unlocking the Power of Your Doctor-Patient Connection
Introduction Bias in the HealthCare System Impact of Patient-Physician Relationship Five Tips to Consider When Examining Your Relationship with Your…

Sleep Disorders: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Key Takeaways What are Sleep Disorders? Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) Symptoms of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Risk Factors for Obstructive Sleep…

Meditation for Stress Relief: The Relaxation Response Revealed
Life can be stressful. In fact, some experts estimate that between 60 and 90 percent of doctor’s visits are stress related. Though…

Urinary Tract Infection – Frequently Asked Questions
Can I Pass a UTI Sexually To My Partner? No, UTIs are not sexually transmitted infections. Women should urinate immediately…

What’s Behind My Low Sex Drive? Female Sexual Dysfunction (Decreased libido)
Sexual desire and arousal disorders are the most common of all of the sexual disorders. Some of the causes include:

4 Food Choices For Better Health
Whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains should be the foundation for your diet.

25 Behavioral Tips For A Healthier Diet
Behavioral changes lead to results. Changing your behavior around food will affect your weight and your health. Here are tips that can help you eat healthier and lose weight….

COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ
(Coronavirus) – (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome SARS-CoV-2) This Q&A answers questions related to the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccine approved for…

Is This Surgery Right for Me?
Are you able to achieve your objective(s) without surgery? What are your surgical alternatives? Can any of these alternatives allow you to…

COVID-19 & Your Pregnancy
At this time, very little is known about COVID-19 infection in pregnant women. Most of what is known are based on cases reported from China …

Almost everyone gets a coronavirus infection at least once in their lifetime, and recovers without consequence. Infections more commonly …